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Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions? Scroll down... we've got you covered
Which type of extension is better for me?
We help you pick! You can start by scrolling and learning about both types. Once you fill out the digital consultation form a stylist will assist you in making your final decision
How much do extensions cost?
Extensions can range from $500- $2,000+. We only use high-quality hair and methods to ensure zero damage to your hair. By choosing extensions with us you are investing in a superior product and application method.
How often will I have to come in?
To prevent damage and breakage to your hair you will have to come in every 6-8 weeks. After your first visit coming in at the 6-week mark is ideal to evaluate grow out and hair/scalp health.
Will I have long hair?
Extensions can definitely be utilized to add length, but can also be a great way to add density to shorter-length hair. We offer several lengths of hair to meet your desired length, density, and style!
Tape-in Extensions
Get professionally color-matched by your stylist
Available in 13"- 26" lengths
Cut and blended to match your hair
Placed to fall with your hair naturally
Maintenance is a move up every 6-8 weeks
Available with Danielle and Brianna
Hand-tied Weft Extensions
Get professionally color-matched by your stylist
Available in 14"- 22" lengths
Cut and blended to match your hair
Offers the most natural and easy to style look compared to tape-ins
Expertly placed for a natural fall
Maintenance is a move up every 6-8 weeks
Available with Danielle and Brianna

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